Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs)

For Aesop's Fables (Jacobs and Crane) I chose one favorite story from each page. These were my favorites.

Lions, Part 1: My favorite story from this section is Androcles and the Lion. I really enjoyed the story because it shows the power of compassion. It might be interesting to do this story similar to the story of the good samaritan. Have two people pass by the lion because they are afraid to stop and help and then have the third stop to help. All three men could be presented to the lion on separate days with the lion eating the first two but not the third. Just a preliminary idea.

Lions, Part 2: I was not a huge fan of the stories in this section, but the one I liked most was The Ass and The Sick Lion. This was my favorite because, as in the story directly above, normally if there is a sly animal in a story it is a fox or an owl. However, this story used a donkey which is different and I appreciate that.

Foxes, Part 1: I really enjoyed The Fox and The Crane. I find it very impressive how such a full narrative can be condensed into a short 5 line poem. I hope to be able to write so concisely one day.

Foxes, Part 2: I liked The Fox and The Lion from this page. I think it would be interesting to redo the story to have a different ending moral. Possibly do one based off of "comfort breeds recklessness" or something along those lines. It would completely change the story but use the same characters and setting.

Wolves: The story The Wolf and the Kid stuck out to me because the sentiment can be very true in conversations through the internet. When people are unreachable, they can become more brave in their cruelty.

Dogs and Cats: On this page I liked The Fox and the Cat because I can relate to it quite a bit. I am very indecisive and so sometimes it is better for me to have one good option than many to choose from.

Mice: I thought the response of The Married Mouse to The Mouse and The Lion was extremely clever and not unlike the storytelling we are doing in this class. It was interesting to see a story continuation rather than a story alteration. Definitely something to keep in mind for future storytelling.

Asses: The Ass stories were not my favorite, though I did appreciate the last one, The Horse and the Ass.

Deer: I thought The One-Eyed Doe was an interesting story. It would be a fun one to try to expand by explaining why she was half blind and why being hunted was her fate. There could be a lot to work with in this story.

Hares: On this last page I enjoyed The Hares and the Frogs  because I had never heard the story behind the phrase "There is always someone worse off than yourself" before.

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