I wanted to use this post to talk about a struggle that I have every semester. I have issues with mental health that usually result in me falling behind at some point in the semester and then I have to race to catch up at the end. Every semester I say that I am not going to let myself have that problem and so I do not talk to my professors about it thinking I can keep it from happening. But then I inevitably fall behind in at least one class, usually two, and I then feel like I cannot talk to the professor after the fact because it would sound like making up excuses. So here I am again at the end of the semester, and I am in fact catching up in three of my classes right before graduation. In grad school I hope I can swallow my pride and talk to professors ahead of time. I think I have finally learned my lesson and will be able to do so. At least I hope I have. Which is why I am writing this post so that I have a documentation of my realization that I can look back on to remind me. Hopefully having a concrete sample of me telling myself to get over my pride and do the thing will help me be convinced to do it.
On a lighter note, I am super excited for the end of the semester because I get to graduate! It took a lot of work to still be able to graduate in four years with honors, and I have almost done it! Despite all of my setbacks, I am going to walk that stage on the 14th which is so exciting and I cannot wait for that to be accomplished. So thanks to this class for helping me finish up my last semester and tackle some problems I have. This class has been more than I could have ever hoped and I will recommend it to any and everyone every opportunity that I get.
Oh my gosh, Eryn, I just saw your post... now I feel bad for not having contacted you earlier just to see what was up! Just like you were worried about saying something, I worry about being a busybody teacher who bothers people. With this being a Gen. Ed. class, my goal is for everybody to pass because a pass is what it takes to graduate. So, I just assume things are okay if people are going to pass, and you've got no problems there! (You've passed already!) ... but I am sorry to hear that you have been having a hard time with life in these past weeks. Anyway, I loved the stories you did for this class, so THANK YOU for that, and CONGRATULATIONS on getting to graduation: that is a real accomplishment to be proud of, and I am happy that you (and your wonderful lions) were able to use this class as part of that accomplishment!!!